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In early 2014, I decided I wanted a way to better display my art and create an online presence for myself. I chose to do so by making my Instagram account. Originally titled @drawn_with_love27, my account, @tracys.portfolio has undergone many changes throughout the years to make it into the digital portfolio of work it has become today.


These pieces were made for a halloween series I worked on.

One problem that I wished to solve a couple of years ago was the desire to better connect with my followers. I decided to make this "about me" story series. I wished to convey my personal brand through this project, and give my followers a little insight into my life.


One thing that I struggled with up until very recently was the ability to maintain a specific style. I've discovered over time that my value comes from the ability to adapt. Creating in multiple styles allows me to experience the world from so many different angles. I now feel extremely proud to display such a wide variety of artistic styles.

]Another big part of my online presence is Disney fan art. I love to draw off the beautiful styles and themes from the movies which I love so much.

My Instagram is always evolving and changing as I develop my style and continue to enhance my personal brand. If you wish to see more, please click the Instagram icon.

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